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If you are interested in joining our family then just follow these simple steps. However before joining us make sure you have read the rules and also meet our requirements!

What we're looking for:
* Someone who roleplays with more than one line per post.
* Friendly.
* Active.
* Dedicated.
* Has spirit.
* Loyal.

 * If you'd like to join us, please visit the IRC page to play! *


A pack is a family and as a family we grow and live long upon the harshness of nature's tests amongst the wilderness. We live together, help each other, keep our loyalty, dedication and love for the pack strong. This is how a pack should be and how it always should be. Joining our pack, you have agreed upon looking at us as a family, wanting to show dedication, love and trust within our pack. You will learn as the time goes, to become one of us and prove yourself to be a loyal wolf. You will respect your leaders, follow the rules accordingly and howl the songs we sing. We are a friendly wolfpack, and thus shall it always be. As Assessment you will prove your dedication upon becoming a Pack Member. You will hunt with us when needed, also as a Assessment, unless you're a pup, prepare for any threats along the pack. Assessment is just like a testing period. This is the final testing period if you are worthy to become one of us, so at a meeting you will be asked why you are worthy to become part of the pack. 


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